Ayiiia Elizarraras
Ayiiia has won the realworldcasting.com contest because of her friends, who helped her to win. Ayiiia has Mexican roots and is bilingual in Spanish however this is her first trip to Mexico for an extended period. She speaks her mind. She's sometimes sarcastic, which alienates her other roommates. It turns out that living in the Real World's household is a lot more difficult than she had hoped for. Ayiiia is a newly reformed party girl with a history of cutting and drug use. Ayiiia cannot forgive anyone, even though she claims to be in love with her and not be judgmental. Ayiiia was in a relationship for a while with a woman. Her mother was and her mother in San Diego and was looking for a place of her own before the reunion. The reunion revealed Jonna and her weren't particularly close due to issues they faced while filming.
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